- Would you prefer to have your first calibration and readings begin at 2 hours rather than 10, even if it meant accuracy might be compromised for the first eight hours of readings? Hmmm.
- If readings began with a first calibration at two hours, would you be willing to calibrate (with a finger stick test) every two hours for the first eight hours of readings? Hmmm again.
- Would you be willing to insert a new sensor and wear it with the old sensor on during the calibration period? Heck yea!
- If the transmitter was half the size, would you mind if calibrations began at 10 hours? Uh, no! I would love this thing to be smaller.
- Would you rather the unit length and width be reduced or the thickness?
I found these questions intriguing and they made me really happy. They are actually interested in what we think and may make changes based upon our collective comments. I am so glad I get to tell them my opinion, however the questions that were like the above had me really thinking hard. The biggest benefit of the Navigator so far is the accuracy. It is dead on compared to my finger stick tests (within 10mgdl). So, am I willing to sacrifice accuracy (even if it is just a chance of things being off) to get my readings sooner? Probably not, but I could not answer this question with a strong "no." Waiting 10 hours for calibration is a long time, however, if I insert the new sensor at 10:00 p.m., my first calibration test is at 8:00 a.m. Next calibration is at 10:00 a.m. The next is again at 10:00 p.m.
That is not so inconvenient. The real issue is when you insert it a 5:00 p.m. and you have to do a check at 3:00 a.m. and again at 5:00 a.m. There is a simple solution, instruct people to do it at night.
Two hour calibration would be nice though. There is a moment of great joy when the readings begin. My doctor made some basal adjustments today and I have been humming along in range (70-170) all day; just one bump to about 185 after dinner.
I also had a major "ah ha" moment, that I had completely forgotten about since before the birth of my child (that was six years ago). I run high a five to seven days before my period. I was around 200 the whole darned week. The day after my period started, bam! back to normal. I can't believe that it has been so long since I tracked those changes in my body. I really wasn't taking my sugar enough to notice the trend. Hence the brilliance of this little CGM. Doc helped me set a temporary basal patter with a .1 unit/hour adjustment for starters. We'll see how that works; I bet I need more.
One request I made in writing on my survey is that the study continue a total of six months, not just three. By the time I get my first HbA1C in March, I will have just gotten into the swing of things. I really want to see two readings, three months apart. I was in shock at my last reading--8.5; that is the highest it has been in 10, maybe 12 years.
I promise to post more pictures soon. I know, promises, promises, but I have been really short on time.
I'm so addicted to CGMS, I can barely stand the 2-hour "warmup" with Dexcom. I usually do a finger-stick partway through.
So I would be THRILLED to get any readings, even less accurate "rough cuts", and do a bunch of calibration finger-sticks during the 10 hours... just to have readings happen. A lot can happen in two hours, and less-accurate but useful HINTS that something appears to be eaded towards a bad place would be GREAT.
It's my biggest complaint with Abbott, even bigger than the "no Sensor re-use allowed EVER" restriction.
Hi, just catching up on all your posts (just found your blog about an hour ago...I'm very interested in the Navigator).
In my last post, I suggested that having an on / off switch for the transmitters would help you get around the whole "having to remove it for the airport" thing.
It also occurs to me that if each transmitter had an on / off switch, you could insert a new transmitter (turned off) 10 hours BEFORE your old one expires. That way, as soon as the 120 hours is up, you could simply take the old one off and "turn on" the transmitter for the new one.
Then you wouldn't have ANY gaps in coverage.
Just a thought!
Hi Scott,
That kind of scenario was mentioned via questions inthe survey's I took; about inserting one before the other was removed to close the gap. Hoep they do that, or shorten the calibration time.
As I stated on your other comment. I flew with my Minimed CGM with absolutely no issues. The signal doens't even reach the left side of my body when I wear it on the right and all I have read has found it to be perfectly safe.
It was a blessing on a 10 hour flight to Hawaii.
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